Tasks - Nudge

Creating a Task

  • To create a new task, click on the compose icon in the top right corner of the Tasks list page. You can either create a New Task or use a Suggested Task.
  • A Suggested Task is a template for a task that HQ has provided for a company-wide task.
  • When creating a task for your team you will need to fill out the following fields:
    • Title - is what is seen on the main task list
    • Description - provides any additional details to complete the task. The description can include web-links.
    • Assign to - determines who should complete the task
      • No Assignment - A task that any one team member can complete
      • Assign to All - A task that all team members should complete
      • Assign to Individuals - A task that one or more specific team members should complete
    • Date - the date the task must be completed by
    • Repeats - if the task should be automatically rescheduled week over week on a specific day(s) of the week

Managing and Monitoring a Task

The Tasks tool gives you the ability to ensure your team is completing important tasks on a regular basis.

  • From the More tab you can access Tasks. Here you will see a list of all the tasks scheduled for your team, organized by due date.
  • Tasks that have No Assignment or are Assigned to All will appear with an actionable completion button for you to complete the task. Tasks that are Assigned to Individuals other than yourself will appear in the list without the actionable completion button as you do not need to complete these tasks, only monitor them.
  • As your team completes the scheduled tasks, completion details, including who has completed the task and when, will be included in the tasks details. Click into any task to see the details of the task.
  • If a task is marked as complete, but you determine that it is not in fact completed, or completed incorrectly, then you can mark the task as incomplete. This will revert the task to an incomplete state and reappear in the team’s/team member’s list to complete again.
  • You can also mark tasks that are Assigned to All as completed for specific individuals if needed. 
  • To see completed tasks that were completed in the past 14 days, click the completed check mark in the top right corner. This will add all completed tasks from the past 14 days to the list. Any tasks that were completed more than 14 days ago are no longer visible in the app.
  • To adjust the assignees on a task that’s Assigned to Individuals, click edit from that task’s details page.

If you don't find the answer you are looking for please reach out to your Manager or Program Manager for further assistance.

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