Troubleshooting - Nudge

If you’re experiencing an issue that isn’t covered in any of the previous articles, please follow these troubleshooting steps. Ensure that you’re always running the latest version of the Nudge app along with the latest version of your mobile phone’s operating system before following the troubleshooting steps.

Restart your mobile phone

  • If you’re experiencing problems with the Nudge app try restarting your mobile phone. This applies to all applications on your device.

Uninstall and reinstall

  • If the problem persists and restarting your mobile phone doesn’t help, try deleting and reinstalling the Nudge app on your mobile phone.

Check internet connection

  • If the last two steps don't help, please try using a different app both on Wi-Fi and on your mobile data connection to see if the problem is because of a weak Wi-Fi or mobile data connection.

Still no luck?

  • If these steps didn’t help to resolve your problem, contact our support team and we’ll help you get the Nudge app running again and back with your team.

Missing emails?

You should receive emails from Nudge periodically after you create your account. If you’re not getting the emails, try the following:

  • Check your spam or junk folder, and any tabs in your inbox.
  • Check for typos in the email address. If you think the address is incorrect, you can check it by following the steps below.

If you haven’t received your emails and want to check that you entered the correct email, try creating an account again with the same email. If you signed up with the right email it will not let you create a new account.

Reset your password

If you’ve forgotten the password you chose when you joined your team on Nudge, you can reset it easily from the Sign In page at any time.

  1. Open the app from your mobile phone and click Forgot your password?
  2. On the Reset Password page, enter the email address that you used when you joined your team on Nudge
  3. Confirm that the email address is correct, then click Reset Password
  4. Check your email inbox for an email to reset your password from Nudge

NOTE: You must have access to the email address associated with your Nudge account to reset your password.

Where can I find my profile?

  • To get to your Nudge profile open the app and click on the 'More' tab. Here you can access your profile by clicking on your name or profile image.

How do I change my password?

  • To change your Nudge account password you will need to be logged out of the app. Once logged out follow the steps below:
  1. Click Forgot your password? button on the Log In page
  2. Enter the email address you used to create your Nudge account
  3. Check your email inbox for instructions on how to reset your password

How do I change my email address?

  • If you need to update your email for any reason, please reach out to your Manager or Program Manager

What is a Bio?

  • Your bio is the small area underneath your name on your profile for you to share some details about yourself.
  • Your bio will be visible to others on the app when they view your public profile.

Can I hide my birth date or company start date from my profile?

  • To hide your birthdate or start date from your public profile
    • Navigate to your profile in the app and tap Edit
    • Scroll to the bottom of your profile and use the visibility toggles to turn dates on or off

If you don't find the answer you are looking for please reach out to your Manager or Program Manager for further assistance.

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