Nudge Feed - Nudge

The Nudge Feed

The Nudge feed is where you can view all of the Nudges your company has sent throughout a campaign, along with the Nudges you’ve already read and answered during a campaign. 


Nudges can be questions or announcements delivered directly to your phone via push notification. Nudges range in point value depending on the type of Nudge you answer, so keep an eye out on your feed when you need a boost on the Scoreboard.


A campaign is a series of communications sent from your employer that are focused on one or two specific topics or themes. Each campaign is typically carried out over a 30 day period but they can be longer or shorter! At the end of a campaign, your points will reset and you will start the next campaign on an even playing field.

What happens after responding to a Nudge?

When you respond to a Nudge, it will move from the unread tab to the completed tab. After a campaign finishes and a new one begins, all Nudges from the past campaign will be removed from your feed.

If you don't find the answer you are looking for please reach out to your Manager or Program Manager for further assistance.



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